Curriculum for Small Groups
Leadership Essentials

Everything rises and falls on leadership. A godly leader is a person with God-given capacity with a God-given responsibility to influence a specific group of God’s people towards God-given purposes for the group. It’s a profound calling to guide, inspire, nurture and build, and every one leads in some capacity or another. In this 5 part series - Reverend Paul Jeyachandran teaches on key topics such as Mastering the art of leading a few, breaking free and the kind of leaders that build the house.

Session 1

Mastering the Art of Leading A Few Pt. 1

A leader is a person with God-given capacity and with God-given responsibility to influence a specific group of God’s people toward God’s purposes for the group. In this lesson, we will study the first 3 keys on mastering the art of leading a few. Whether you are leading ten, a hundred or a thousand people, the key is to first lead a few people well, and see them rise up to lead others.

Session Notes
Session 2

Mastering the Art of Leading A Few Pt. 2

In this lesson, we will study the next four points on mastering the art of leading a few. A good leader of a few acquires skills that every leader needs, develops and deploys the strengths of others, takes initiative to solve problems and has a great impact on the whole organisation.

Session Notes