Senior Pastors
Paul & Esabel Jeyachandran

Welcome to IDMC

We believe in authentic discipleship to Jesus Christ and intentional disciple-making of all nations for God’s glory. For God’s glory, we want to multiply Intentional Disciple Making Churches and Campuses in Sydney and in the key cities around the world. If you are looking for a church to belong to, we warmly welcome you to come and journey with us and let us together build an IDMC church in Sydney.

Rev Paul Jeyachandran

Rev Paul Jeyachandran is considered by many to be a gifted preacher of the word of God and an able mentor! Over the past two decades, he has been actively engaged in mentoring church leaders, ministering to pastors in many nations and expounding the Scriptures at every God-given opportunity. He is the author of 4 books, director of IDMC Australia and leads an IDMC Movement to help bring churches back to their disciplemaking roots.

Rev Paul Jeyachandran

Ps Esabel Jeyachandran

Esabel is a gifted administrator and team builder! Esabel uses her organisational leadership to mobilise the church towards her God-given destiny. Her passion is to see people of God become authentic, broken, courageous disciplemakers for God’s glory!

Ps Esabel Jeyachandran